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Learn about a treatment option for adult upper limb spasticity. Learn More

Recovering From A Left Side Stroke

Recovering From A Left Side Stroke

Have you ever heard someone describe themselves as “right-brained” or “left-brained”? This concept is based on the brain having two hemispheres that perform different, specialized functions. Creative types have a...
Taking Back Your Independence After Stroke

Taking Back Your Independence After Stroke

Being self-reliant feels great, but for stroke survivors regaining independence is often challenging and progress sometimes seems slow. Emotional support, therapy, gait training, and stroke rehabilitation equipment can help stroke...
Repetition Improves Stroke Recovery Time

Repetition Improves Stroke Recovery Time

In all stages of growth and development, repetition is key to successful long-term learning and information retention. Repetition is especially beneficial for stroke survivors who seek to regain motor function,...
Pseudobulbar Affect - Not All Crying After Stroke Is Depression

Pseudobulbar Affect - Not All Crying After Stroke Is Depression

Among stroke survivors, feelings of depression and sadness are unfortunately common. The body has experienced acute changes both physically and mentally, and certain emotional responses may be triggered as a...
Intensive 2-Day Stroke Boot Camp Now Available

Intensive 2-Day Stroke Boot Camp Now Available

Offered by Saebo’s co-founder, Henry Hoffman, as well as occupational therapists specializing in neurorehabilitation, the Stroke Arm and Hand Clinic provides an intensive, 2-day upper extremity treatment program for patients...

Reclaim Your Reach With Shoulder Exercises For Stroke Recovery

Recovering your arm and shoulder movement after a stroke can be challenging. If you can't easily grasp and release objects, move your arms forward, or use your arms to support...

Important Facts About Stage 4 of Stroke Recovery

In the 1970s, a Swedish occupational and physical therapist named Signe Brunnstrom developed a seven-stage approach to stroke recovery. The focus of the Brunnstrom Approach is the restoration of motor...

Important Facts About Stage 3 of Stroke Recovery

Swedish occupational and physical therapist Signe Brunnstrom was an important figure in advancing our understanding about restoring motor skills in stroke patients. Based on different limb synergies, she devised a...
Important Facts About Stage 2 of Stroke Recovery, Stages of Stroke Recovery Brunnstrom, Stroke Recovery Stages, Brunnstrom Stages of Stroke Recovery, Stages of Stroke Recovery

Important Facts About Stage 2 of Stroke Recovery

As stroke survivors recover, most gradually regain strength and movement in the muscles and may eventually enjoy full restoration of function. They may regain reflexes first, then voluntary movements, and...

Hand Splints and Contracture: What Occupational Therapists Need to Know

Suffering a stroke is debilitating and scary, and survivors are often affected much longer than the stroke itself actually lasts. Many patients experience spasticity and contracture during their stroke recovery...
Sleep After A Stroke The Key To Faster Recovery

Sleep After A Stroke The Key To Faster Recovery

Sleep disruption is very common after suffering a stroke, more than half of survivors have problems sleeping in the months following. Poor sleep can slow recovery, cause depression, and even...
17  Ways To Help Stroke Survivors Recover Faster

17 Ways To Help Stroke Survivors Recover Faster

If you or a loved one has suffered from a stroke, there are many difficulties that can develop as a result. Primarily, these effects are physical, emotional, and cognitive. Below,...
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