Vision Problems After Stroke: Understanding & Overcoming Them
 People often think of a stroke as having a profound effect on a victim's motor functions—and it does. However, did you know that as many as two-thirds of stroke...
Reclaim Mobility With At Home Leg Exercises For Stroke Recovery
Stroke recovery can be a long process. Each year nearly 800,000 people in the United States alone will suffer from a stroke, leaving them with ongoing physical and neurological damage....
A Timeline of Stroke Recovery
As a patient recovers from a stroke, both they and their caregivers must understand that the process is slow and uncertain. This is because the severity of the stroke can...
6 Foot Drop Exercises to Help You Get Back On Your Feet
Understanding Foot Drop & Foot Drop Rehabilitation Foot drop (sometimes called drop foot or dropped foot) is the inability to raise the front of the foot due to weakness or...
Stroke Survival Statistics: 9 Sobering Facts We Should All Be Aware Of
Although stroke has fallen from the third to fourth leading cause of death within the United States, outlook after survival is still grim. Medical treatment has become much more advanced...
How to Detect the Early Warning Signs of a Stroke
Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and a major cause of severe, lifelong disability. Learning the warning signs of a stroke is essential to...
8 Arm Exercises For Stroke Recovery You Can Do At Home
A stroke can often rob a patient of arm movement, making it difficult to perform simple tasks like moving the arm forward or grasping and releasing objects. Performing basic exercises...
The Brunnstrom Stages of Stroke Recovery
Life after a stroke can be challenging. Many patients wonder if they will ever fully recover their muscle coordination, or how long or difficult the process of recovery may be....
Benefits of Rehabilitation Gloves and Hand Splints For Stroke Recovery
Stroke is among the top three causes of death in the United States, but nothing comes close to stroke as the leading cause of long-term disability. After patients survive a...
Reclaim Your Stability With These Balance Exercises For Stroke Recovery
If you are struggling to walk or are stumbling often after a stroke, the problem may be muscle weakness, but it could also be your balance. A stroke damages the...
Guide to Helping Young People Recovering From a Stroke
If someone in your family has a stroke, you may experience a significant change in your life. That person will need great care and support, and there may be a...
How to Treat a Stroke Survivor for Faster Recovery
When someone you love experiences a stroke, a number of difficulties will soon arise. Aside from the initial attack, there is a range of physical, emotional, and mental problems that...