How to Treat Foot Drop with Electrical Stimulation
What is Foot Drop? Foot drop, also known as dropped foot or drop foot, is the inability to raise the front part of the foot up toward the shin. This...
Combining Your Resting Hand Splint with E-Stim to Improve Hand Function After Stroke
Are you interested in combining other evidence-based products with your SaeboStretch? If you have already purchased the SaeboStretch resting hand splint, or are thinking about purchasing it, this video will...
SaeboStim Micro Commonly Asked Questions [VIDEO]
Questions about the SaeboStim Micro? Check out the video below to learn more about this popular sensory electrical stimulation device. In this video, Saebo's Director of Clinical Services, Dr. Scott...
SaeboGlove Commonly Asked Questions
Learn more about the SaeboGlove, the glove made for stroke survivors. This cutting-edge glove can be an essential part of rehab and recovery.This video covers some of the most commonly...
Our Response to COVID-19: How can Saebo Support You?
An Important Message from Saebo We at Saebo would like to update you on how we are responding to COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. As we search for new and...
They were SAEBO!
I was diagnosed with Toxic Acute Progressive Leukoencephalopathy before I reached stage four I started to suffer from Locked-In Syndrome. After I endured six months of hospice and slowly began...
How to Replace the Lace on your SaeboStep (Gen 1) Brace
Before you begin, please make sure your SaeboStep looks like the picture above. Looking to replace the adjustable lace on your SaeboStep? These instructions are for our SaeboStep (Gen 1)...
Watch artist George Kosinski use the SaeboMAS!
Artist George Kosinski receives support from the SaeboMAS. The SaeboMAS provides George relief to continue his work as an artist after suffering from a stroke and subsequent rotator cuff tears....
The SaeboFlex helps me strengthen my fingers, improve my grasp and release, and actually helps me reach up taller!
An effective and engaging home therapy program is CRITICAL for a successful recovery. Check out Neal's creative home exercise using the SaeboFlex! "Homemade creative Occupational therapy using a Saebo device...
How to Improve Hand Function in a Flaccid Hand in 5 Easy Steps
Very often, limbs of the upper and lower body are affected following a stroke or neurological incident. For example, little or no hand function could be a symptom of the...
Henry Hoffman's Q&A Video Series: Improving Grip Strength
In his latest Q&A Video, Saebo co-founder Henry Hoffman offers some advice on improving grip in a flaccid hand. Question: What strategies do you recommend for improving grip strength and...
"I ate my oatmeal with my right hand!"
After only 3 weeks of sessions with the SaeboStim Micro, this patient was able to use a spoon and eat with her affected hand! She could still feel the stimulation...