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- A Name You Can Trust – More doctors and hospitals recommend Saebo products for stroke rehabilitation than any other brand.
- Backed by Research – To maximize recovery following a stroke (or other neurological injury), doctors understand the critical importance of “grasp and release” hand exercises. As the saying goes: “Use it or loose it”. Using your hand throughout the day and during high-repetition therapy sessions builds new connections in the brain (cortical plasticity) and offsets the negative impacts of neglect (atrophy and spasticty) which can lead to a painful and useless “claw-fist.”Read about exciting new research featuring the SaeboGlove here
- Patient-Based Design – Our products are developed by doctors and clinicians incorporating years of “hands-on” experience with patients just like you. Here are some of “patient-based” features you’ll find on our unique and patented SaeboGlove design:
- Free Consultation & Support – The help you need is just a phone call away. Our team is always available to answer questions and offer expert advice. We’re here for you every step of your recovery journey.

Virtual Living. Real-life simulated. Everyday Tasks.
Introducing the SaeboVR
A virtual ADL (activities of daily living) rehabilitation system. The proprietary platform was specifically designed to engage clients in both physical and cognitive challenges involving daily functional activities.
What is the SaeboVR?
- SaeboVR‘s ADL-focused virtual world provides clients with real-life challenges. Users will incorporate their impaired upper limb to perform simulated self-care tasks that involve picking up, transferring and manipulating virtual objects.
- Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-based, interactive, multisensory simulation environment that occurs in real-time. It provides users with opportunities to participate in activities within environments that appear similar to real-world objects and events.
- The SaeboVR is based on the latest advances in neurorehabilitation research documenting the brain’s ability to “re-program” itself through mass practice, task-oriented arm training.
Try Any Device for Free In Your Own Clinic!
We believe the best way to experience the benefits of our products is in person. Working with your own patients. In your own clinic. That's why we offer unique, no-obligation trial programs for most of the products we offer.
Functional training like never before.
- Practice repetitive movements with fun and motivating activities.
- Activities are adaptable to the individual client to maximize success and outcomes.
- ADL tasks can be customized to challenge endurance, speed, range of motion, coordination, timing, and cognitive demand.
- Includes a clinical provider dashboard to view client performance and participation trends.
- Reports are graphically displayed for easy viewing.
All about function!
Only virtual system available that focuses on real-life self-care tasks, including:
- Grocery shopping
- Putting away groceries
- Preparing breakfast
- Pet shopping
- Pet bathing
- Garden planting
- Garden harvesting
- Preparing dinner
- Putting away clothes
- Volunteering at a soup kitchen.
The SaeboVR is designed for individuals that have had injuries that result in:
- Limited arm movement and function.
- Shoulder and elbow weakness.
- Impaired cognition, perception, and vision.
The onset of the injury does not prevent someone from receiving Saebo treatment. Whether the client just had a stroke or orthopedic injury, or if he or she suffered an injury years ago, the SaeboVR can be of great benefit.
Clients that may not be appropriate for the SaeboVR typically exhibit one or more of the below:
- Severe shoulder and/or elbow pain.
- Acute shoulder and/or elbow fractures.
- Unable to follow basic commands.
Use Saebo products with VR training to improve performance.
Facilitate and challenge the weakened shoulder during virtual self-care tasks using the SaeboMAS or SaeboMAS mini. The unweighting technology will allow clients with proximal weakness to participate in proven treatment techniques that would otherwise have been impossible. Engage and position the hand for simulated functional tasks. With the SaeboGlove, clients can incorporate the affected hand by practicing virtual grasp and release activities.