Friday, July 1 kicks off the inaugural bike relay, Miles for Mandy.

Miles for Mandy is a 2,100 mile bike ride from Niagara Falls to Houston, TX in just one week with only six cyclists riding through ten states to raise money for Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness.
Here are the TOP five most important things to know about this event:
1. The inside story
What’s fueling this event: On August 31, 2014, Amanda "Mandy" Coleman was severely injured in a serious car accident in her hometown – Houston, TX. She was found unconscious and was rushed to Ben-Taub Hospital where doctors painted a bleak picture for her survival. Mandy sustained many serious injuries, including several broken ribs, a broken clavicle, fractured vertebra, a torn spleen, and a fractured pelvis. However, the most serious of her injuries was a Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) which is a type of Traumatic Brain Injury.
Now that Mandy and her family have just celebrated 500 days since her accident, they are moving forward with a renewed sense of strength.
Mandy’s aunt, Cindy Vermillion, founded TeamEMERGE and Relay Across America which is organizing this inaugural Miles for Mandy ride from Friday, July 1 through Saturday, July 9.
2. Why the Saebo family cares about this event.
Mandy is a Saebo client who has relied on the SaeboStretch through her recovery, and she’s experienced tremendous improvement. Her OT was very familiar with Saebo, and he thought one of our solutions would be a great fit for Mandy and her recovery.
We’re proud to be one of several race sponsors committed to supporting these six riders and educating and raising awareness for traumatic brain injuries and recovery.
3. The route.
Six professional cyclists (some of whom are European, cycling stars) will be riding from Niagara Falls, NY to Houston, TX – across 10 states in nine days.
To get from Niagara to Houston, here’s the route including the days:
- July 1 Relay starts at 9:00am in Niagara Falls, rides to Middlefield, Ohio
- July 2 Middlefield, Ohio to Butler, Indiana
- July 3 Butler, Indiana to Peru, Illinois
- July 4 Peru, Ill to Osceola, Iowa
- July 5 Osceola, Iowa to Omaha, Nebraska
- July 6 Omaha to Independence, KS/MO
- July 7 Independence to Durant, OK
- July 8 Durant to College Station, TX
- July 9 College Station to Houston, TX (July 9th is Traumatic Brain Injury Day)
- If you live or work near one of the cities or towns referenced or you’re curious about the route from one specific city to the next OR you’d like to help, cheer on, or spread the word, let us know on social media (Facebook or Twitter), and we’ll get you more information!
- Consider making a donation to support traumatic brain injury awareness through the Brain Injury Association of America.
- Share the news via YOUR social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
5. If you want to spread the word:
You’re always welcome to spread the word or tell your local television or newspaper about the event if it’s passing through your town:
Here’s how:
Share and explore their website:
Follow them on Twitter: @TeamEmerge2016
‘Like’ and follow their news on Facebook: “Team Emerge – Miles for Mandy”
All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by the Saebo website is solely at your own risk.