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What to Expect when Recovering from a Stroke-blog

What to Expect when Recovering from a Stroke

 After experiencing a stroke, survivors can begin to recover through rehabilitation. However, recovery from stroke is a process that survivors need to continue throughout their lives. Formal stroke rehabilitation is...
Benefits of Cortical Priming for Stroke Rehab-blog

Benefits of Cortical Priming for Stroke Rehabilitation

  After someone suffers a stroke, there are several conditions that need attention. One of these is impaired motor function, or the loss of movement or use of a particular...
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy After Stroke-blog

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy After Stroke

When a stroke causes a person to lose the use of one of their limbs, they can easily get frustrated, stop trying to use it at all, and start relying...

Preventing a Second Stroke: 8 Habits You Need to Rebuild

Strokes can come with little to no warning, but quite frequently, they reveal issues that had been building up for some time. And when those problems clearly present themselves, patients...
How Fun Activities Help Stroke Rehabilitation-blog

How Fun Activities Help Stroke Rehabilitation

There are a number of ties between physical activity and reduced risk for stroke. Studies have shown that individuals who remain physically active as they get older are between 25...
Understanding Your Stroke Risk-blog

Understanding Your Stroke Risk

 The more stroke risk factors you have, the more likely you are to suffer a stroke. Some risk factors are genetic, so they are out of your control; however, you...

Stroke Rehab Exercises: Passive Vs. Active

  After a stroke is over, its survivor is not in the clear. A stroke leads to neurological damage that affects the motor system, making limbs weak and limiting movements....

Recovering From a Massive Stroke

Since strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S., everybody should be able to recognize them. A stroke happens when blood flow to part of the brain...

What Does A Stroke Feel Like?

Like heart attacks, strokes are sudden and can be fatal. They are “brain attacks” because they happen when a blood clot blocks an artery to the brain, stopping oxygen flow...

How a Stroke is Treated

 The road to recovery after a stroke is different for everybody. Treating a stroke varies depending on the type of stroke suffered—whether ischemic (caused by a blood clot) or hemorrhagic...

What Causes a Stroke? Understanding the Symptoms and Risk Factors

The idea of a stroke can be frightening because it comes without warning and can cause a number of life-altering disabilities. Unfortunately, nearly 800,000 people will experience a new or...

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): Signs, Symptoms, and Recovery

Mini-strokes (also known as a transient ischemic attacks or TIAs) aren’t called mini because they aren’t serious. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize how dangerous they are. Mini-strokes should be treated...
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