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Learn about a treatment option for adult upper limb spasticity. Learn More

Preventing and Treating Stroke in Very Elderly, Elderly Stroke, Stroke in Old People

Preventing and Treating Stroke in the Very Elderly

As today’s largest generations continue to mature, all age groups are in the center of a significant shift. Within the next 30 years, the population of people over the age...
The Hidden Connection Between Gum Disease and Stroke

The Hidden Connection Between Gum Disease and Stroke

If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, it might be time to go. According to research conducted in the last 20 years, oral health is related to...
Tips for One Handed Cooking After Stroke

Tips for One-Handed Cooking After Stroke

After a stroke, many survivors find themselves either weakened or paralyzed on one side of their bodies. They may also experience spasticity in their limbs, which makes muscles tight and...
SaeboStim Micro

The Importance of Electrical Stimulation Machines in Stroke Recovery

Following a neurological injury or disease, it is common for clients to experience impaired arm and hand function resulting in decreased sensation and/or strength. If the arm has limited use,...
Saebomas, Dynamic Arm Support

The Importance of Dynamic Arm Support in Stroke Rehabilitation

Following a neurological or orthopedic injury, it is common for patients to experience impaired arm and hand function resulting in decreased strength, coordination, and range of motion. Patients are often...

Diabetes and Your Stroke Risk

You may not think to connect two different health concerns like stroke and diabetes, but if you have diabetes, you are 1.5 times more likely to suffer a stroke. Why?...
Saebo Hand Rehabilitation Devices, Hand Rehabilitation Devices for Stroke Patients

Which Saebo Hand Rehabilitation Device is Right For You?

In 2001, two occupational therapists had one goal: to provide neurological clients access to transformative and life-changing products for improving arm and hand function. Frustrated with the current devices on...
SaeboStep, Foot Drop Brace, Foot Drop Braces, Drop Foot Brace

Recovering from Foot Drop: The Benefits of Foot Drop Braces

After suffering an orthopedic or neurological injury or disease, it is common for clients to experience decreased lower-extremity coordination. When a client feels more weakness or spasticity in the muscles...
Relationship Between Seizure and Stroke

The Relationship Between Seizures and Strokes

Strokes can damage the brain in many ways, and these negative effects take different forms depending on the person and their stroke. But in general, strokes can influence emotions, mobility,...
Tai Chi Benefits, Tai Chi Health Benefits for Stroke

The Benefits of Tai Chi and Stroke Rehabilitation

A stroke survivor has the potential to experience traumatic damage throughout their body. Making matters even worse, the process of recovery for an individual can feel like an uphill battle...
Grab Rails Best Bathroom Assistive Devices,

Essential Devices for Adapting the Home After Stroke

Strokes affect everybody differently, leaving victims to live with a variety of challenging physical and cognitive conditions. Many factors need to be considered when managing stroke recovery: damaged parts of...
Signs of Ptsd After Stroke

Recognizing the Signs of PTSD After Stroke

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that runs its victims down emotionally and physically. Though most frequently linked to combat veterans and sexual-assault survivors, PTSD can present itself following...
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